Hallie Graves


As a foster-turned-adoptive single mom and former big law attorney, Hallie has one of the more unique skillsets to help clients with their complex needs.  Her ability to bring out of the box thinking and creative solutions to seemingly insurmountably complex fiduciary litigation matters is unrivaled.  And while she spends most of the working day honing her litigation chops as a key member of the firm’s fiduciary litigation practice, she’s able to apply her skills to the firm’s estate planning and probate practices.  She routinely sees things needlessly end up in court, so who better to plan around those potential planning landmines from the outset via well-drafted wills and trust?  If she’s not at the office, try the nearest off-Broadway show.  Or if it’s a Saturday, she’s surely enjoying the out and about with her unbelievably sweet kids.

Practice Areas:
Estate Planning
Fiduciary Litigation

J.D., SMU Dedman School of Law
B.A., Rhodes College

Bar Admissions: